Sunday, June 8, 2008

Organizational Network Analysis

I want to comment that several companies and consultants offer "organizational network analysis." For any of you doing due dilligence, it is important to note that this is a marketing term and is social network analysis. I believe this has to do with the idea that business people do not care about abstract things and only want to know the bottom line, which is possibly true in most cases. However, for any business person that does want to learn more about what he or she is potentially paying for, calling social network analysis "organizational network analysis" effectively hides it from scrutinity and makes it seem like it is something new.

1 comment:

Cai Kjaer said...


We also call it ONA and you are absolutely far as I am concerned it is exactly the same as SNA. I have come across many senior people who get a bit put off by the term 'social'. Some also think of LinkedIn, Facebook etc rather than 'real' interactions between people.

We have even called our 'sna' survey tool site for

Rgs Cai